MSDF ruling procedure is complete justice secretary Board of note ...

Japan-Iran summit Self-Defense Forces explain the dispatch Middle ...

MSDF ruling procedure is complete justice secretary Board of note ... Prime Minister Abe 0 days night, was Rouhani President and summit of Iran. Prime Minister Abe, expressed concern to the growing tensions in the Middle East, [with is placed to carry out the full implementation of the nuclear agreement on Iran, strongly that it will play a constructive role for peace and stability in the region It said the expected]. In addition, for the Middle East dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces to become a cabinet decision on the day, information collection for the safety Japan-related ships explained that it is the purpose to determine the understanding. Rouhani President contrast to this, that and evaluate the activities for peacekeeping in Japan of the Persian Gulf region, responded that they understand the intent of the dispatch Self-Defense Forces. Iranian President visit to Japan is that the first time in years, talks by Prime Minister Abe and Rouhani president is 0-th in this.
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