MSDF ruling procedure is complete justice secretary Board of note ...

In fact, in the Abe Diplomacy worsening relations with the Republic ...

MSDF ruling procedure is complete justice secretary Board of note ... Schedule of diplomatic relations is of jostling, Shinzo Abe Prime Minister (). Centerpiece's visit to China of the month and day to Sunday. It purpose is to attend to the China-Japan-South Korea trilateral summit, but China's Xi Jinping Jintao, also a separate meeting with Bunzai Tiger president of South Korea during the adjustment. Also what has been postponed in the local security situation worsening, meeting with India's Modi prime minister is also scheduled, Japan and of Rouhani President of Iran, to 00 years in mid declined also own Middle East visit. [Related article: hit the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is Isuwaru ringleader [official residence of the mastermind]! ] Among the disputes is a problem over the meeting to see the cherry blossoms], in the diplomacy of "good", but I wonder is aiming the lost territory recovery, matter of fact so far, Abe diplomacy is not listed the results likely outcome. This time, the reason why the diplomacy with South Korea is not going well, was asked to explain to Motani Kosuke's regional economist.
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